VSCode Terminal Font Fix on Arch Linux


After updating visual studio code to latest version, suddenly font in the terminal show problem like as https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/51543

Broken Integrated Terminal Font


Install nerd fonts (warning: This will use around 1,7 GB of your disk)

yaourt nerd-fonts-complete
# Choose aur/nerd-fonts-complete and follow the instructions

Go to file -> Preference -> Settings on your Visual Studio Code
Search for fontfam
Set Font Family to MesloLGM Nerd Font

VS Code Integrated Terminal Font Setting


Fixed Integrated Terminal Font

4 thoughts on “VSCode Terminal Font Fix on Arch Linux

  1. siapayaaa

    Somehow I haven’t got this issue yet, but thanks!

    1. Akhmad Fakhoni Listiyan Dede


  2. andika

    mantap djiwa. sangat berguna. thanks

  3. wong

    mantabs djiwa gan

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